
南投宿舍電話故障公告 Notification of Telephone Malfunction at Nantou Dormitory

一、因電話交換機發生故障,已緊急聯繫廠商進行維修,待修復完成後,將另行公告相關資訊。在此期間,如有任何問題,請撥打 049-2317574 或來信至 chnvdormitory@email.nchu.edu.tw。

(1) 外線撥入南投宿舍分機時,可能被轉接至其他單位。
(2) 校內部分分機無法透過內線直撥至南投宿舍分機。


1.Due to a malfunction in the telephone switchboard, the issue has been reported, and the vendor has been contacted for urgent repairs. Once the repair is completed, further updates will be provided. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call 049-2317574 or email chnvdormitory@email.nchu.edu.tw.

2.The details of the malfunction are as follows:
(1) Incoming external calls to the Nantou dormitory extensions may be redirected to other units.
(2) Certain on-campus extensions are unable to directly dial the Nantou dormitory extensions through the internal phone system.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repair process and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.