山陀兒颱風公告 Notice Regarding the Arrival of Typhoon


Notice Regarding the Arrival of Typhoon "KRATHON" for Resident Student


In anticipation of the rain brought about Typhoon KRATHON, students are advised to pay attention and cooperate with us:

1. 隨時注意颱風動態,並備好防颱物品如乾糧、常備藥品、緊急照明、電池、行動電源等,以備不時之需。

    Keep abreast of typhoon news and prepare typhoon supplies such as dry rations, medicines, emergency lighting tools, batteries, mobile power supply, etc. for emergency use.

2. 陽台請勿曬置衣物,並關好門窗避免滲水。

    Do not dry clothes on the balcony and keep windows and doors closed to avoid water seepage.

3. 為維護自身安全颱風天儘量不要外出。

    For your own safety, do not go out during typhoons.

4. 服中因停班停課沒有服務,若有緊急事件,請直接致電各宿舍警衛室。

    Service Center are suspended because of the typhoon. If there is any emergency, please contact the guard room of each dormitory.


男生宿舍警衛室 Male Dormitory Guard Room : 04-22840475

女生宿舍警衛室 Female Dormitory Guard Room : 04-22840479

興大二村警衛室 Xing-Da 2nd Village Dormitory Guard Room : 04-22840168


住宿輔導組敬啟 113.10.01