8/16(五)各宿舍服務中心及住宿輔導組將暫停服務On August 16th,dormitory service centers and the Student Housing Service Division suspended


On August 16th, the entire school will be on summer holiday. The dormitory service centers and the Student Housing Service Division will be closed for the day. In case of emergencies, please contact the dormitory security office or call on August 19th during business hours.

男生宿舍服務中心(04-22840473) Dormitory Service Center: 04-22840473

男生宿舍警衛室 Male Dormitory Guard Room:04-22840475

女生宿舍服務中心(04-22840612) Female Dormitory Service Center: 04-22840612

女生宿舍警衛室 Female Dormitory Guard Room:04-22840479

興大二村男宿宿舍服務中心(04-22840166) Xingda Second Village Male Dormitory Service Center: 04-22840166

興大二村警衛室 Xing-Da 2nd Village Dormitory Guard Room:04-22840168