113學年度第1學期  學務長與住宿生有約訂於10月23日辧理,敬請住宿生踴躍報名參加。Resident Students Meeting with Dean of Student Affairs for the 1st semester of the 113th academic year is scheduled for October 23. Dormitory residents are encouraged to sign up and participate .


Resident Students Meeting with "Dean of Student Affairs


  • 活動時間:10月23日(三)晚上6:00-8:00
  • Event Time: October 23 (Wednesday) from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • 報名人數:預定50人
  • Number of Participants: Expected 50 people
  • 報名時間:10月11日(五)上午9:00-10月21日(一)中午12時
  • Registration Period: October 11 (Friday) at 9:00 AM to October 21 (Monday) at 12:00 PM
  • 報名鏈結:https://reurl.cc/YqGMmL
  • Registration Link: https://reurl.cc/YqGMmL
  • 活動地點:女生宿舍誠軒二樓服務中心會議室
  • Location: Conference Room, Service Center, 2nd Floor of Cheng-Xuan , Female Dormitory
  • 歡迎關心校內學生住宿事務的住宿生們一同與會討論。
  • Dormitory residents who are concerned about on-campus student accommodation issues are welcome to join the discussion.