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男生宿舍 公告 113學年度男生宿舍服務委員會錄取名單公告Announcement for the Admission of Dormitory Service Committee Members for Male Dormitory for the 113th Academic Year 2024-04-29
Female dorm 公告 113學年度女生宿舍服務委員會錄取名單公告Announcement for the Admission of Dormitory Service Committee Members for Female Dormitory for the 113th Academic Year 2024-04-29
Dorm 公告 113學年度興大二村宿舍服務委員遴選結果公告 Announcement of Selection Results for Second Village Dormitory Service Committee Members for the 113 Academic Year 2024-04-29
Dorm 公告 112學年暨111學年度興大二村退費名單公告 Announcement of Refund List for Second Village for the 112 and 111 Academic Years 2024-04-24
Dorm 公告 113 學年度第一學期換寢申請作業Application for Room Changing for the First Semester of the 113 Academic Year 2024-04-18
Nantou dorm 公告 113學年度南投校區宿舍床位候補申請公告NCHU's Announcement on Undergraduate and Graduate Non-freshmen’s Waitlist Application for Vacant Beds in the 113th Academic Year (Nantou Campus) 2024-04-17
Dorm 公告 113學年度(校本部)學生宿舍床位候補申請公告NCHU's Announcement on Undergraduate and Graduate Non-freshmen’s Waitlist Application for Vacant Beds in the 113th Academic Year 2024-04-17
Dorm 公告 113學年度特殊生床位申請公告Application for Students with Special Needs 2024-04-12
Dorm 公告 113學年度研究所新生宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程公告The schedule for new graduate students’ dormitory application through online drawing lots 2024-04-11
Nantou dorm 公告 113學年度南投校區宿舍舊生床位中籤名單公告 113th Academic Year Nantou Dormitory Bed Confirmation Name List 2024-04-11
Nantou dorm 公告 113 學年度研究所新生南投宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程 The schedule for new graduate students’ dormitory application through online drawing lots for the 113th academic year (Nantou Campus) 2024-04-10
Dorm 公告 113學年度學生宿舍服務委員會遴選公告Announcement for the Selection of Dormitory Service Committee Members for Student Dormitory for the 113th Academic Year 2024-04-10
Nantou dorm 公告 113 學年度舊生南投宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程 The schedule for Nantou dormitory application for 113th academic year 2024-03-18
Dorm 公告 113 學年度舊生宿舍床位抽籤申請作業期程 The schedule for non-freshmen’s dormitory application through computer drawing lots for 113th academic year 2024-03-18
最新消息 公告 2/2各宿舍服務中心將暫停服務一天Service center temporarily suspended 2024-01-24
女生宿舍 公告 女生宿舍停電公告 Power Outage Notice of femaledormitory 2024-01-24
興大二村 公告 興大二村停電公告 Power Outage Notice of Xing-Da 2nd Village Dormitory 2024-01-23
男生宿舍 公告 男生宿舍停電公告 Interruption to Electricity Supply of MaleDorm 2024-01-17
興大二村 公告 112學年度第二學期興大二村服務委員遴選結果公告 2024-01-12
住宿輔導組 公告 112-2寒假轉學生宿舍申請公告 2024-01-11