【訊息轉知】2025 鴻海董辦暑期實習生計畫【Message Forwarding】2025 Hon Hai Chairman’s Office Summer Internship Program

☻☺2025 鴻海董辦暑期實習生計畫,熱烈招募中! ☻☺

全新一期正式啟動!廣受新鮮人期待的實習計畫,今年全面升級,不僅延續「企業形象組」和「科技創新組」,更新增「財務金融組」,涵蓋 3 大組別、10 個單位,帶你深入鴻海核心,親身參與企業形象經營、科技創新技術與財務管理等多元專案,體驗世界級企業的營運模式,為未來職涯增添強大競爭力!





☻☺Kickstart Your Career with Hon Hai (Foxconn)!

The 2025 Foxconn Summer Internship Program is now open for applications! This is your chance to immerse yourself in the Foxconn Experience, gaining hands-on insights into global operations, cutting-edge technology, and finance & investment trends.  

✔ Apply by March 31, 2025! Don’t miss your chance to be part of this 8-week transformative journey.  

✔ Apply now: https://bit.ly/3XsioW2