職涯博覽會 9/21 登場!免費報名還抽機票 AirPods Max<Cake 2024 Career Fair: Join the most happening career fair of the year on Saturday, 9/21 at the Taipei World Trade Center!>



Cake(原 CakeResume)即將在 9/21(六)舉辦 2024 Career Fair 職涯博覽會 ????



✨ 本次活動亮點

【 120+ 家企業徵才攤位 】

Google、Logitech 羅技電子、L'Oréal、國泰金控等120 多家橫跨多領域的跨國及新創企業,提供多元且豐富的職涯機會

【 5 大主題、20+ 產業趨勢論壇 】

邀請業界專家深入探討職場必備技能、自媒體經營、AI 變革、國際職涯等熱門議題

【 多元職涯加值服務 】




【 時間 】2024/9/21 10:00-18:00

【 地點 】台北世貿一館 1F B 區

更多活動 & 免費報名資訊請見:https://global.cake.me/nchu.career


✨ 好康分享

【 專屬邀請碼 】報名填寫專屬邀請碼「cake_中興生涯發展」,即可參加價值 15,000 元的亞洲來回機票抽獎!

【 加碼再抽 】9/21 到場參與加碼再抽亞洲來回機票、AirPods Max 等多樣大獎!


Where Talents Meet 邀請你一同參與這場職涯交流的盛典!


原 CakeResume 從 2024 年 7 月起正式更名為 Cake,未來將用「國際人才社群」的全新定位,有效聚焦人才的價值與歸屬。期望連結全球求職者與企業雇主,打造更廣大的職涯可能!



Cake 2024 Career Fair: Join the most happening career fair of the year on Saturday, 9/21 at the Taipei World Trade Center!

Welcome International Talents to Register for free here: https://global.cake.me/international-talents-register

Check out Jobs Available: https://global.cake.me/2024careerfair-job-list

Event Highlights:

✨ 100+ Company Booths: Meet with over 100 multinational and innovative companies across various fields, including Google, Logitech, L'Oréal, and Cathay Financial Holdings, offering diverse career opportunities.
✨ 5 Themes, 20+ Industry Forums: Hear from industry experts on essential skills, personal branding, AI transformation, international careers, and more.
✨ Comprehensive Career Services: Boost your competitiveness with career consultations, resume reviews, and professional headshots.

Event Details:

  • Date: 2024/9/21, 10 AM - 6PM

  • Location: Taipei World Trade Center, Hall 1

  • Please note that this event will be conduct majority in Mandarin, for international / non-Taiwan citizen talents, please feel free to register here: https://global.cake.me/international-talents-register

Join us at Where Talents Meet global career opportunities!

#CakeCareerFair #WhereTalentsMeet #Cake2024CareerFair


Thank you for your support in advance!