【重要】9/3(二)新生生涯規劃講座活動提醒!Reminder for Freshmen Career Planning Lecture on Tuesday, September 3rd!


 「致 我的中興時代」生涯規劃講座活動資訊提醒:

  1. 活動日期、時間、地點:113年9月3日(星期二)早上9點30分~11點30分惠蓀堂
  2. UCAN職業興趣探索、職場共通職能測驗:113年9月2日(星期一)前完成,請連結網址說明進行施測 https://reurl.cc/VM4arY
  3. 請攜帶智慧型手機、平板(擇一)以利進行職涯測驗解析說明
  4. 詳細活動實施目的、方式請連結網址瀏覽 https://reurl.cc/Reyn8z
  5. 如有相關疑問請電洽(04)22840237轉30李小姐,或回信詢問。

敬祝  平安如意


Dear Freshmen,

This is a reminder for the " My LIFE in NCHU" Career Planning Lecture:

1.     Date, Time, and Location: Tuesday, September 3, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at Hui Sun Hall.

2.     UCAN Career Interest Exploration and Workplace Common Competency Test: Please complete it by Monday, September 2, 2024. Please complete it by Monday, September 2, 2024. Follow the instructions provided at the following link to take the test: https://reurl.cc/VM4arY.

3.     Please bring a smartphone or tablet (choose one) to facilitate the explanation and analysis of the career test results.

4.     For more detailed information about the event's purpose and format, please visit the following link: https://reurl.cc/Reyn8z.

5.     If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Li at (04) 22840237 ext. 30, or reply to this email.

Best wishes