【英文履歷撰寫工作坊】ASML人資帶你寫出吸睛外商的英文履歷!English Resume Workshop

【English Resume Workshop】English Resume 101: Hit Home Run in your Job Search.

This activity is conducted in Chinese.

活動報名網址 https://reurl.cc/pvmWZd




ASML為全球頂尖半導體設備商,為晶片製造提供全方位微影技術解決方案。開放與多元彈性的工作環境,鼓勵全球優秀人才加入。一起體驗Care, Collaborate, Challenge的企業文化!

ASML多元人才計畫:包含獎學金、實習、研發替代役 (RDSS)與預聘 (AO),職涯發展掌握在你的手裡,立刻報名加入本次活動以瞭解更多!

▲2024/9/20(五)前請將您的履歷E-mail至 lgl0728@nchu.edu.tw,PDF檔名及電郵主旨請設定為 ASML英文履歷健診-姓名

✿如有任何問題,請E-mail承辦人生涯發展中心李小姐 lgl0728@nchu.edu.tw

ASML is the world's largest semiconductor equipment manufacturer and the world's only lithography equipment manufacturer that uses EUV.

ASML takes a key position in the semiconductor industry. In these 40 years, ASML has continued to invest in research and development to overcome various difficult technical challenges. Don't miss out on the chance to participate in the English resume writing workshop scheduled for 2024 at NCHU. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to sign up for this event. Take this opportunity to improve your resume and become a standout candidate in the global stage! 

ASML is a top semiconductor equipment manufacturer, offering cutting-edge lithography technology solutions for chip manufacturing. Join our diverse and inclusive team and be a part of our culture of Care, Collaborate, Challenge. 

Learn about our Diversity Talent Program, which includes scholarships, internships, RDSS, and AO. Take charge of your career and sign up for this event today!

Please email your resume to lgl0728@nchu.edu.tw before 2024/9/20 (Friday). Name PDF and email subject as "ASML English Resume Review - YOUR_NAME."

Reminder: Resume should be written with reference to the job requirements!

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Li at the Career Development Center at lgl0728@nchu.edu.tw.