臺中市就業服務處請本校協助宣傳處辦理「低收入戶、中低收入戶者及經濟弱勢勞工就業培力活動」4月-7月份就業促進講座及職場體驗活動,為使更多民眾知悉徵才資訊。The Taichung City Employment Service Office kindly requests the assistance of our school in promoting the 「Employment Empowerment Program for Low-Income Households, Middle-Low In

The Taichung City Employment Service Office kindly requests the assistance of our school in promoting the 「Employment Empowerment Program for Low-Income Households, Middle-Low Income Households, and Economically Vulnerable Workers」This program includes employment promotion seminars and workplace experiential activities from April to July, aiming to increase public awareness of job opportunities

