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最新公告 四月 【活動轉知】臺北市青少年發展暨家庭教育中心辦理113年度「不一Young思考培訓營」活動 【Event Notification】Taipei Youth Development and Family Education Center Organizes the 2024 2024-04-18
最新公告 五月 【訊息轉知】內政部移民署辦理「113年新住民子女多元文化培育營-社會創新」,延長報名收件截止日至113年5月3日(星期五)案,請察(查)照。[Forwarded Message] The National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior is organizing the 「2024 New Immigrant Children Multicultural Development Camp - Social Innovation」 Th 2024-04-17
最新公告 七月 教育部青年發展署辦理「113年全國大專校院職涯輔導學生心得競賽-夢想青年職播間」活動,請貴校協助轉知學生踴躍投稿,請查照。The Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education is organizing the 「National College Career Counseling Student Experience Competition - Dream Youth Career Broadcast Room」 event 2024-04-17
最新公告 四月 財團法人中央通訊社第7屆「我是海外特派員」培訓營報名開跑 The 7th Annual 「I am a Foreign Correspondent」 Training Camp, organized by the Central News Agency, is now open for registration. 2024-04-17
最新公告 四月 就業情報資訊股份有限公司檢送「宜蘭縣政府113年青年職涯探索營」活動簡章及海報1份Employment Information Corporation submits one copy of the brochure and poster for the 「Yilan County Government's 2024 Youth Career Exploration Camp」 event 2024-04-17
最新公告 四月 明新學校財團法人明新科技大學共同教育學院辦理教育部iLink計畫「大師講座」活動Minghsin University of Science and Technology,College of General Education is hosting the 「Master Lecture」 event as part of the Ministry of Education's iLink Program 2024-04-17
最新公告 六月 [轉知教育部函]有關112-2應屆畢業之僑外生欲申請畢業後在臺實習,其相關申請表件將於6月7日截止收件,以利彙整報部審查。[Forwarded Letter from the Ministry of Education] Regarding the application for post-graduation internship in Taiwan by overseas Chinese and foreign students who graduated in Semester 112-2, th 2024-04-16
最新公告 四月 臺中女兒館,活動快報「利用AI工具找到屬於自己的人生舞台」Taichung Daughter Pavilion, Event Update「Discover Your Life Stage with AI Tools」 2024-04-16
最新公告 四月 僑委會於4/20及4/27分別於臺北市及高雄市辦理「2024年僑生就業博覽會」,歡迎有興趣的僑生踴躍參加。The Overseas Community Affairs Council will host the 「2024 Overseas Compatriot Students Employment Expo」 on 4/20 in Taipei City and on 4/27 in Kaohsiung City. Overseas compatriot students who are intere 2024-04-16
最新公告 【ITI特約廠商獨享】貿協培訓中心台中校區_線上進修課程【Exclusive to ITI Authorized Vendors】TRADE-VET Training Center Taichung Campus_Online Continuing Education Courses 2024-04-12
最新公告 免費課程:國立臺北科技大學辦理iPAS淨零碳規劃管理師職能深化課程 ,歡迎報名。Free Course: National Taipei University of Technology is organizing the IPAS Net Zero Carbon Planning and Management Professional Development Course. Registration is open to all. 2024-04-12
最新公告 五月 僑務委院會於5月辦理「2024年僑生就業博覽會—僑生就職系列講座」,歡迎僑生踴躍報名參加。The Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission will hold the 「2024 Overseas Compatriot Students Employment Expo - Series of Employment Seminars for Overseas Compatriot Students」 in May. Overseas compatriot students 2024-04-11
最新公告 四月 轉知經濟部投資促進司辦理「2024僑外生在臺就業媒合會」歡迎僑生及外籍生踴躍報名參加。Forwarded: The Investment Promotion Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs will host the 「2024 Overseas and Foreign Students Employment Matchmaking Event」Overseas Chinese and foreign students are warmly wel 2024-04-11
最新公告 四月 臺中市就業服務處請本校協助宣傳處辦理「低收入戶、中低收入戶者及經濟弱勢勞工就業培力活動」4月-7月份就業促進講座及職場體驗活動,為使更多民眾知悉徵才資訊。The Taichung City Employment Service Office kindly requests the assistance of our school in promoting the 「Employment Empowerment Program for Low-Income Households, Middle-Low In 2024-04-09
最新公告 三月 文化部文化資產局辦理文資傳匠工坊「2024職涯探索體驗課程」歡迎報名參加!The Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture, is organizing the 「2024 Career Exploration Experience Course」 as part of the Cultural Heritage Craftsmanship Workshop. Welcome to register and participate! 2024-03-29