截止報名時間 2018-12-18 13:30 名額 70 人 (含備取 20 人) , 已報名 56 人, 尚有餘額 14 人 人氣:1538
registration deadline: 2018-12-18 13:30 Quota: 70 (including 20 on standby) , registered: 56, available slots: 14 hits: 1538


回到一般教育體系的他,一路從弘光科大、宜蘭大學、交大研究所到美國愛荷華州大拿到博士學位,找到用廢水轉為能源研究的熱愛,先後分別在韓國仁荷大學以及香港理工大學教書;明年將到英國名校帝國理工學院(Imperial College Remain Calm and Stick with your Own Rules for Career DevelopmentLondon)任職。

Remain Calm and Stick with your Own Rules for Career Development

講座日期   107/12/18(星期二)

講座時間    2:30-4:00 pm   

講座地點   應用科技大樓七樓學術交誼廳(R701)

演講大綱   全中文演講

As the acceleration of technology development, globalization, and polarization, it is likely un-friendly for our next generation. This talk will disclose Po-Heng Lee’s experience and share his observation for the young generation in career development. It is likely to stay in a simple life attitude for inner peace for each individual life-long goal. Such a simple life attitude can be achieved by “Remain Calm and Stick with your Own Rules”. His experience and observation in Taiwan, USA, South Korea, and UK for searching such a personal niche will be revealed and discussed.


 Po-Heng (Henry) Lee is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He will serve as a faculty at Imperial College London in 2019. Prior to joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he served as a full-time lecturer in the Dept. of Environmental Engineering at the Inha University, South Korea from 2010 to 2012. He obtained his PhD, MSc, BSc, and AAS at Iowa State University, National Chiao-Tung University, National Ilan University, and Hungkuang University, respectively. His research interest is in applicability and application of thermodynamics and meta-omic rationality to biological and chemical processes for simultaneous pollution control and resource recovery. Especially, his efforts emphases on syntrophic energetics in anaerobic treatment