截止報名時間 2024-02-07 07:00 名額 3 人 , 已報名 0 人, 尚有餘額 3 人 人氣:127
registration deadline: 2024-02-07 07:00 Quota: 3 , registered: 0, available slots: 3 hits: 127

本報名網頁網址 Registration webpage https://www.osa.nchu.edu.tw/osa/cdc/sys/modules/eguide/event.php?eid=2705

活動期間 Date:2月5日(一) ~ 2月6日(二)   Feb. 5 (Mon) ~Feb. 6 (Tue)


健診流程及注意事項 Notes:
(1) 填寫本報名表(每次報名可健診1份履歷自傳,需先填寫本報名表以取得健診資格。)
  Fill the registration form to get a quota.

(2) 於活動期間內(1/29~1/30)將您的履歷自傳合併成1個PDF檔,以電子郵件寄  lala@nchu.edu.tw。PDF檔名 及 電郵主旨 均設定為 履歷快修-姓名○○○。
  Merge your resume and autobiography into 1 PDF file, email to lala@nchu.eud.tw during the event dates. 
  Name the PDF and the email subject as "Resume Review- your name"

(3)履歷自傳以參考職缺需求撰寫為宜,如已有想應徵的具體職缺,請將該職缺相關資訊(PDF檔)一併以電郵寄至 lala 信箱。
  It's recommended that you tailor your resume to the specific job vacancy.
  If applicable, please email the job information (in PDF format) to lala@nchu.edu.tw along with your resume.

(4)您的履歷自傳將由 GCDF全球職涯發展師 檢視。
  Your resume and autobiography will be reviewed by the GCDF, Globle Career Development Facilitator. 

  For document review: The facilitator will respond via email with modification suggestions
  on the next business day after receiving your documents.

  選擇實體面談 或 線上視訊 者,請填寫您有空的時段,諮詢師將與您另約定面談時間(每次50分鐘)。
  For in-person or online consultation: Kindly provide your available time slots,
  the facilitator will schedule a meeting with you (each session is 50 minutes).

(5)線上視訊將使用 Google Meet視訊會議。
  Online resume review will be conducted through Google Meet.


  Click the link bellow to access the Chinese resume and autobiography templates.


關於Google Meet /About Goolge Meet:

1.建議使用桌機或筆電參加本活動, 平板或手機需事先下載Google Meet APP。
  We recommend using a desktop computer or a laptop to join Google Meet.
  If using tablets or smartphones, please install the Google Meet app beforehand.

  Log in with your Google account to join the meeting.
  NCHU provides Google Application Integration Services to all students, please visit the webpage https://gapp.nchu.edu.tw/  for more details.


❤️❤️❤️參與 大興履歷快修站活動 同學回饋意見 Feedbacks ❤️❤️❤️



♠ 注意事項 PS. ♠

  This event does not issue points for the Higher Education Sprout Porject. 

  You may cancel the booking through the link provided in the registration notification email .

 The organizer reserves the right to make any necessary amendments or updates to this event,
  which will be announced on this event's webpage without further individual notice.

✿如有任何問題請洽本活動承辦人 生發中心 蔡小姐 lala@nchu.edu.tw  。
  For any inquiries, please contact the event coordinator Ms. Tsai at Career Development Center, NCHU.  lala@nchu.edu.tw