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Pakelang 巴格浪文化會後會
免費入場 / 限量50位先行報名者供應免費餐點
▹下半場(19:15-20:30)原漾社--阿美X布農X排灣族歌舞展演 、大葉大學原聲原社---阿美族縣舞(汎札萊Fangcalay、憶起相聚Kalingko)


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這場【Pakelang 巴格浪文化會後會】是一場校慶系列的全校性活動,除了慶祝過去一年原漾社及原資中心辦理的各樣活動,我們更想透過這個機會和興大的每個人分享所學所聞,活動中我們精心準備了阿美族、布農族、排灣族的歌舞表演,也以攤販形式擺出原民特調Bar檯、手作織布體驗坊、歡烙點唱機等更全面的文化體驗。


原漾社與原資中心誠摯地邀請全校師生一同共襄盛舉,來參與這場「文化會後會」,一起「Pakelang 」!!!

聯絡方式:原漾社官方社群(ig:nchu.yyc fb:興大原漾社)/原住民族學生資源中心(電話:04-22840237分機28或26)



Hi guys!!!! We are Yuan Young Club (Taiwan Indigenous Club) and we’re going to hold a party-like event, Pakelang-Culture afterparty, at NCHU Small Auditorium with NCHU Indigenous Students Resource Center on 10/27 (Thu.) 

Pakelang, is a ceremony of Amis which means a feast after an event. During the ceremony, Amis people go fishing in the water. It also symbolizes letting things go down the drain and keep going on.
In general, the festival will be held after big events like weddings or funerals. Everyone sings, dances, and shares fish together in a joyful atmosphere. Things all go well and we’ll get back into the swing of things.

After going through all those events and challenges this year, we hope to hold Pakelang-Culture afterparty as an end of a period. In this event, we prepare singing & dancing performances of Amis, Bunun,and Paiwan to enrich this event. Also, there will be Indigenous Bar, Weaving DIY, Karaoke Machine and so much more stands for people to experience our special cultures. We sincerely welcome everyone to come and join Pakelang-Culture afterparty!

We sincerely invite all the students and teachers to join us.❤️‍

Event: Pakelang-Culture afterparty
Time: 10/27 (Thu.) 18:00~20:30|You can enter the venue after 17:30
Place: Small Auditorium
Fee: Free!!! for joining |Free Food will be provided for the first 50 registrants
Culture exhibition(Paiwan x Bunun x Amis x Cou), DIY, Karaoke, Taiwan indigenous people traditional food
Yuan Young Club Dancing&Singing(Amis x Bunun x Paiwan), Dayeh University Amis Dancing ( Fangcalay, Kalingko)


Sign-up Link: https://reurl.cc/XVvXLg

Contact us:NCHU Yuan Young Club (Taiwan Indigenous Club)ig:nchu.yyc fb:興大原漾社)/NCHU Indigenous Students Resource Center(phone number:04-22840237#28或26)