截止報名時間 2021-03-24 14:30 名額 50 人 (含備取 10 人) , 已報名 35 人, 尚有餘額 15 人 人氣:1208
registration deadline: 2021-03-24 14:30 Quota: 50 (including 10 on standby) , registered: 35, available slots: 15 hits: 1208

報名網頁: https://www.osa.nchu.edu.tw/osa/cdc/sys/modules/eguide/event.php?eid=1622






☑date: Wednesday, 24th March, 2021

☑time: 18:30-20:30

☑venue: love sharing bar (Hui-Sun Auditorium 3F)

☑participant: for any student who is interested in this activity


Te Natira'a 南島大溪地藝術工作室」的團長-Kumu Walis從2009年開始推廣大溪地舞蹈,最開始以臺北市跟南投埔里開辦課程作為推展的第一步。

2011年,在「臺北市藝穗節」發表「情迷大溪地」的舞蹈演出;2013年,因緣際會下認識大溪地資深舞蹈家-Makau Foster,順利在同年舉辦的「臺灣原住民族與南島民族音樂、舞蹈與文化國際論壇」活動,邀請 Makau Foster 老師以及她領導的藝術團「Tamariki Poerani」來臺進行交流。

2014年,姑牧瓦歷斯團長再次赴大溪地進修與精進,過程得到Te Natira'a (橋梁)作為「南島大溪地藝術工作室」的大溪地名稱,期許能夠成為臺灣與大溪地之間文化分享與交流的橋梁。

2015 年,與「Vahine 大溪地舞蹈工作室」以及「Nani Hula」共同創辦臺灣第一屆「Heiva I Taiwan 臺灣大溪地舞蹈比賽」。

2017年,來自大溪地的Terau Leau老師加入師資團隊。Terau老師豐富的樂舞與文化底蘊,帶起大溪地鼓團跟大溪地男舞課程的創立;進一步,Terau Leau老師成為2018年「Ta'aroa 舞劇」的主要創作人。直至2021年,已在全臺八縣市駐點教學。


希冀透過Terau老師從大溪地的角度,除了豐富的樂舞跟文化,同時分享學習臺灣原住民族文化的心路歷程;Kumu Walis團長則以臺灣原住民的角度,教導原青如何從深度學習他族文化中,更貼近母體文化跟加深個體的族群意識。



Learning from other culture to ours

Kumu Walis, the head of the Te Natira’a Austronesia Tahiti Art Studio, has started promoting the Tahitian traditional dance since 2009. She initially begun her work by setting up dance classes in Taipei City and Nantou Puli.


In 2011, she performed her dance in the Taipei Fringe Festival. In 2013, she met Makau Foster by accidents, who happens to be a professional dancer of Tahitian dance. Later in 2013, they co-hosted the ‘’Music, Dance, and Culture International Forum of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples and Austronesian Peoples’’, inviting Makau Foster and her team Tamiriki Poerani to visit Taiwan and communicate with each other.


The two of the have both come to realize that the more they gradually learn from other cultures, the more curious and desperate they become to know about their own.


From two different aspects of two different countries, they share theirs bitterness and sweetness in learning the Taiwanese indigenous culture and Tahitian indigenous culture in the hope to teach young generations to get closer to the mother culture and to strengthen each individual’s ethnic consciousness.


They hope the youngsters to realize that if you are to bring together life and culture, you have to let yourself be the pier.




Please fill the registeration form below, and welcome to invite your friends !

If you have any other question for this activity, please call 04-22840237#26 or sent e-mail to pengouyang@nchu.edu.tw.






☼錄取後因故不能參加,請於活動前3天來電或以電郵告知,活動承辦人歐陽芃小姐 pengouyang@nchu.edu.tw