截止報名時間 2019-06-10 08:00 名額 100 人 , 已報名 65 人, 尚有餘額 35 人 人氣:1387
registration deadline: 2019-06-10 08:00 Quota: 100 , registered: 65, available slots: 35 hits: 1387


我們竭誠邀請一般生、原住民族學生、僑生、外籍生,以各自語言(國語、閩南語、客家語、原住民族語、外國語言)大聲說:「中興大學100歲生日快樂  HAPPY BIRTHDAY NCHU」、「我愛中興大學  I LOVE NCHU」,一起慶賀中興大學歡度100歲生日。

現在!!你可以一起加入、擔任《HAPPY BIRTHDAY NCHU》、《I LOVE NCHU》2部宣傳短片的模特!!




National Chung Hsing University turns 100 years old!
To celebrate this special moment, Career Development Center is going to film a century celebration video. 
We sincerely invite all students, including domestic students  and foreign students to celebrate and speak "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NCHU" "I LOVE NCHU" with different languages ( any languges are all welcomed).

Last but not least!! You could also join us as a model for our short films «HAPPY BIRTHDAY NCHU» and «I LOVE NCHU»
Filming date: Please choose the dates that you're available on the web. We will select the date which most people have chosen. SMS will be sent on 6/10 as a reminder.
Filming time: Please select your available time on the web.
Clothes: Please dress up traditional clothes or clothes that can represent your own countries, if possible. If not, please wear everyday clothes without revealing.

To express our appreciation, you could choose one gift at the signup site
(1)NCHU Impression - Moth Orchid Ball pen
(2)NCHU Impression - Trumpet Tree Ball pen
(3)NCHU Renewal, Blessing - Bamboo Tableware Kit

♥影片拍攝行程  schedule:




(3)C.興環保主張 箸福─竹餐具組

To express our appreciation, you could choose one gift at the signup site
(1)NCHU Impression - Moth Orchid Ball pen
(2)NCHU Impression - Trumpet Tree Ball pen
(3)NCHU Renewal, Blessing - Bamboo Tableware Kit