
國防部海軍司令部辦理114年敦睦遠航訓練支隊國內環島航訓艦艇開放參觀事宜The Ministry of National Defense Naval Command organized the opening of the 114th Dunmu Sailing Training Detachment's domestic island-circling training ships for visitors

為落實全民國防教育及推動人才招募,海軍辦理114年敦睦遠航訓練支隊國內環島航訓,於高雄(0307-08)、安平(0309-10)、馬公(0311-12)、臺中(0314-15)、基隆(0317-18)、蘇澳(0319-20)及花蓮港(0321-22)辦理艦艇開放參觀活動,歡迎有興趣的教職員工生(本國籍)均可前往參觀。In order to implement national defense education and promote talent recruitment, the Navy held the 114th Dunmu Sailing Training Detachment's domestic island-circling training. The ships were open for viewing in Kaohsiung (0307-08), Anping (0309-10), Magong (0311-12), Taichung (0314-15), Keelung (0317-18), Suao (0319-20) and Hualien Port (0321-22). All interested faculty, staff and students (both local and foreign) are welcome to visit.