民國114年「全民國防教育南沙研習營」活動報名簡章Registration Guidelines for the 114th Year of the Republic of China "All-Out Defense Education Nansha Training Camp"

一、目的:為強化青年學子認識與支持國家南海政策,藉由研習活動策辦, 宣示國家南海主權,見證官兵偵巡護漁辛勞,並向師生傳遞同島 一命的軍人信念;另透過南海歷史考證、戰略情勢研究、海洋生 態體驗、專業課程研習、艦艇實作訓練等方式,激發學子熱愛國 家情懷,深耕國土主權意識,擴大全民國防教育成效。1. Purpose: To strengthen young students’ understanding and support for the country’s South China Sea policy, to declare the country’s sovereignty over the South China Sea through the planning and organization of study activities, to witness the hard work of officers and soldiers in patrolling and protecting fishermen, and to convey to teachers and students the belief of soldiers that they share the same island and life; and to inspire students to love the country through historical research on the South China Sea, strategic situation research, marine ecological experience, professional course study, ship practical training, etc., to deepen the awareness of national sovereignty and expand the effectiveness of all-out defense education.

二、參加對象:大專院校: 具有中華民國國籍,就讀國內各大專院校等研究所博、碩士、 大四、大三學生,且年齡未逾40歲之在學青年(不含軍校、軍 職及在職進修人員)。2. Participants: Colleges and universities: Young students who are ROC nationals and are currently studying at doctoral, master's, senior or junior levels at domestic colleges and universities and are under 40 years old (excluding those in military schools, military service and those who are undergoing on-the-job training).

三、活動承辦單位及聯繫資料: (一)國防部政治作戰局(文宣心戰處)許卲同中校。 電話:02-85099079,傳真:02-85099089。 報名通訊地址:10462 臺北市中山區北安路 409 號(全民國 防教育南沙研習營承辦單位收)。 相關活動訊息及報名表格:逕至國防部政戰資訊服務網或全 民國防教育網下載(網址:https://gpwd.mnd.gov.tw; https:// aode.mnd.gov.tw)。 (二)教育部學生事務及特殊教育司承辦人電話:02-77367851。3.Event organizer and contact information: 1. Lieutenant Colonel Xu Shaotong, Political Warfare Bureau (Publicity and Psychological Warfare Division), Ministry of National Defense. Tel: 02-85099079, Fax: 02-85099089. Registration mailing address: No. 409, Beian Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462 (to be addressed to the organizer of the National Defense Education Nansha Training Camp). Related event information and registration forms: Go to the Ministry of National Defense Political Warfare Information Service Website or the National Defense Education Website to download (website: https://gpwd.mnd.gov.tw; https:// aode.mnd.gov.tw). (2) Telephone number of the Student Affairs and Special Education Department of the Ministry of Education: 02-77367851.