法務部與「柴語錄」合製反詐騙宣導影片The Ministry of Justice and "Chai's Quotes" Co-produced an Anti-Fraud Promotional Video.






The relevant video links are as follows:

  1. (1) "The Mission of the Useless Guy and the Anti-Scam Angel—Cracking Investment Fraud (Full Version)" (Link: https://reurl.cc/nqN4X2).

    (2) "The Mission of the Useless Guy and the Anti-Scam Angel—Cracking Investment Fraud (30-second version)" (Link: https://reurl.cc/G5jLlp).

    (3) "Three Don'ts—Don't Be a Driver, Don't Lend Your Account, Don't Click Suspicious Links (30-second Animation)" (Link: https://reurl.cc/DKjLLm).

  2. For related images, please download them from the Ministry of Justice's Global Information Network "Anti-Fraud Section" (Link: https://reurl.cc/WAxVDx).