數位發展部防詐宣導短影片"Ministry of Digital Development Anti-Scam Awareness Short Video"

行政院為有效打擊詐欺,特要求相關機關組成打詐國家隊,並通過「新世代打擊詐欺策略行動綱領 1.5 版」,數位發展部主責「防詐」工作,爰製作防詐宣導短影片https://drive.google.com/file/d/19XcwlfjJIB5sOhq4fe4cMtcnfa2m9PFX/view?usp=sharing)

The Executive Yuan has mandated relevant agencies to form a national team to combat fraud effectively, and has passed the "New Generation Anti-Fraud Strategy Action Plan Version 1.5." The Ministry of Digital Development is responsible for the "anti-fraud" efforts and has produced an anti-fraud awareness short video. Link to video