[藥物濫用防制宣導]「不要再吸毒啦~拿起手機一起Shorts出活力」短影音徵選比賽。[Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign]

一、113年拒毒反詐特展活動 2024 Anti-Drug and Anti-Fraud Special Exhibition

1.The Ministry of Education is organizing the "113 Years Anti-Drug and Anti-Fraud Special Exhibition" from now until July 28. 香堤大道廣場
(2) Location: Xiangdi Avenue Plaza

Taipei City Hospital "Stop taking drugs~Pick up your phone and let's Shorts to be energetic" short video selection contest

From now until August 10, 2024, online registration will be implemented (website: https://forms.gle/Gw5hUi5VjjSzgSeV9).