國防部軍事情報局113年志願役專業預備軍官班考選訊息 Information on the selection for the 113th year Volunteer Reserve Officer Class of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense.

一、 報名時間:113年3月4日至5月3日



四、網    址:http://rdrc.mnd.gov.tw






  1. Application Period: March 4th, 113th Year (Republic of China calendar) to May 3rd.

  2. Eligibility: Young men and women in society with a bachelor's degree or higher.

  3. Enrollment Hotline: (02) 2836-3989

  4. Website: http://rdrc.mnd.gov.tw

  5. Enrollment Information Session: Date: April 13th, 113th Year (Saturday) Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

  6. Enrollment Information Session Locations:

    • Taipei and Kaohsiung: National Armed Forces Museum.
    • Taichung: Central Region Talent Recruitment Center of the Armed Forces.
  • For detailed information, please refer to the examination brochure (as attached).