教育部轉發行政院策製「打詐新四法宣導影片」一案,請本校教職員生踴躍上網詳閱。The Ministry of Education has forwarded the Executive Yuan's promotional video on the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws." Please encourage all faculty, staff, and students to actively watch and review it online.


The aforementioned promotional video is as follows

(1) New Four Anti-Fraud Laws in Action - Investment Fraud Edition (by Hsieh Chin-ho): 30 seconds
Watch here

(2) New Four Anti-Fraud Laws in Action - ATM Fraud Edition (by Hsu Kuei-ya): 30 seconds
Watch here

(3) New Four Anti-Fraud Laws in Action - Online Fraud Edition (by Yang Hsiu-hui): 30 seconds
Watch here