國立中興大學113年暑假期間學生活動安全注意事項National Chung Hsing University safety precautions for student activities during the 2024 summer vacation



國立中興大學  學生事務處學生安全輔導室  關心您


  In order to safeguard the health and safety of students,the"Safety Precautions for Student Activities During the 2024 Summer Vacation"  is attached for students' reference and to remind students to do relevant safety precautions to avoid An accident occurred. If various accidents occur during the summer vacation,in addition to notifying the police for assistance(report hotline:110,119), the Office of Student Affairs Student Safety Division (04-22870885) has dedicated personnel on duty to provide necessary assistance.

  I wish you a happy,safe and fulfilling summer vacation.

                          National Chung Hsing University Office of Student Affairs Student Safety Division cares about you