113年志願役專業預備軍官預備士官班考選簡章公告 Announcement of the 113th Year Professional Reserve Officer and Non-commissioned Officer Preparatory Class Recruitment Brochure








  • This year's recruitment will be divided into three phases (the quota for the third phase will be reviewed based on the registration situation of the first and second phases). The first phase of online and postal registration will commence at 8:00 a.m. on May 1st, 113th Year (2024). We welcome enthusiastic young individuals and serving non-commissioned officers to register actively!

  • Paper brochures will be provided to various recruitment units of the Armed Forces by the end of March. You are welcome to collect them in person.

  • Please download and utilize the electronic brochure attached herewith.

  • Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to call the toll-free consultation hotline at 0800-000-050, where dedicated personnel will be at your service.