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公告 公告 健行科技大學辦理僑委員會「2024海外青年體驗營(印尼團)」輔導員甄選selection of counselors for the "2024 Overseas Youth Experience Camp (Indonesia Group)" organized by the Overseas Community Affairs Council. 2024-09-20
最新消息 公告 僑聯文教基金會代辦各項僑生獎學金FOCA Scholarship 2024-09-13
公告 公告 教育部獎勵海外優秀僑生回國就讀大學校院獎學金Ministry of Education Outstanding and Elite Overseas Chinese Student Scholarships 2024-09-13
News 公告 教育部函轉內政部辦理113年在學男子申請分階段接受常 備兵役軍事訓練The Ministry of Education sent a letter to the Ministry of the Interior to handle the application of 113 male students in school to accept it in stages Preparation for military service, military training 2024-09-09
最新消息 公告 113年度「95年次學生兵籍調查線上申報作業」113 Year 95 Student Enrollment Survey Online Application Assignment 2024-09-09
法治暨品德教育 公告 教育部轉發行政院策製「打詐新四法宣導影片」一案,請本校教職員生踴躍上網詳閱。The Ministry of Education has forwarded the Executive Yuan's promotional video on the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws." Please encourage all faculty, staff, and students to actively watch and review it online. 2024-09-06
最新消息 公告 華僑協會總會僑生獎助學金(Overseas Chinese Association HQ Scholarship) 2024-09-04
公告 公告 僑務委員會113年度傑出及學行優良僑生獎學金申請Application for the Overseas Community Affairs Council's 113th Academic Year Scholarship for Outstanding and Excellent Overseas Chinese Students 2024-09-03
公告 公告 113學年度僑生新生獎學金申請Application for the Scholarship for New Overseas Chinese Students in the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-03
公告 公告 113學年度第1學期中興清寒僑生獎助學金申請Application for the NCHU Financial Aid and Scholarship for Underprivileged Overseas Chinese Students in the First Semester of the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-03
公告 公告 113學年度教育部清寒僑生助學金申請Application for the Ministry of Education's Financial Aid for Underprivileged Overseas Chinese Students in the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-03
公告 公告 113學年度第1學期教育部研究所優秀僑生獎學金申請Application for the Ministry of Education's Outstanding Overseas Chinese Student Scholarship for Graduate Schools in the First Semester of the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-03
最新消息 公告 113年國家防災日地震演練成果紀錄表113th National Disaster Prevention Day Earthquake Drill Results Record Table 2024-08-28
租屋情報 公告 內政部提供大學周邊租金統計合理行情資訊1份"The Ministry of the Interior provides a statistical report on reasonable rental prices around universities." 2024-08-28
公告 公告 113學年度第1學期僑生學業輔導調查Academic Guidance Survey for Overseas Chinese Students in the First Semester of the 113th Academic Year 2024-08-27
租屋情報 公告 內政部租屋電費新制及租屋族免費租屋法律諮詢“Ministry of the Interior’s New Rental Electricity Fee Regulations and Free Legal Consultation for Renters” 2024-08-26
安全宣導 公告 [交通宣導] 交通監理服務APP宣導 Promotion of Services App for Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations 2024-07-29
公告 公告 113年軍民聯合防空(萬安47號)演習2024 Joint Civil-Military Air-Defense exercise(No.47 Wan-An Exercise) 2024-07-15