最新消息 |
蝴蝶蘭儀禮大使團招生中!歡迎同學踴躍參加 NCHU Phalaenopsis Elegant Ambassador is enrolling!! Welcome Students to participate! |
2025-03-31 |
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公告 114年在臺泰北及緬甸僑生獎助學金(Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services Overseas Chinese students Scholarship) |
2025-03-07 |
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教育部大專校院全民國防教育資源中心「2025全民國防教育暨防衛動員學術研討會」徵稿The Ministry of Education's National Defense Education Resource Center for Colleges and Universities calls for papers for the |
2025-03-04 |
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國防部海軍司令部辦理114年敦睦遠航訓練支隊國內環島航訓艦艇開放參觀事宜The Ministry of National Defense Naval Command organized the opening of the 114th Dunmu Sailing Training Detachment's domestic island-circling training ships for visitors |
2025-03-04 |
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鏡電視股份有限公司舉辦【科技防詐論壇】,歡迎大專各校師生踴躍參加Mirror TV Co., Ltd. is holding the [Technology Anti-Fraud Forum], and welcomes students and faculty from universities and colleges to actively participate. |
2025-03-04 |
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好消息 中華民國輕艇協會甄選「114年替代役公共行政役役男」Selected by the Republic of China Light Boat Association as "114 Years of Alternative Public Administration Service Male" |
2025-02-27 |
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公告 [藥物濫用防制宣導] 114年反毒大專志工招募「Anti-Drug University Volunteer Recruitment」 |
2025-02-20 |
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公告 南山人壽優秀僑生獎學金(Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Overseas Chinese students Scholarship) |
2025-02-20 |
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公告 民國114年「全民國防教育南沙研習營」活動報名簡章Registration Guidelines for the 114th Year of the Republic of China "All-Out Defense Education Nansha Training Camp" |
2025-02-20 |
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公告 2025年僑務委員會應屆畢業僑生委員長獎(OCAC graduate scholarship) |
2025-02-19 |
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公告 113學年度第2學期教育部研究所優秀僑生獎學金NCHU Graduate Outstanding Overseas Chinese Student Scholarship |
2025-02-12 |
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公告 113學年度第2學期國立中興大學清寒僑生獎助學金NCHU Underprivileged Overseas Chinese Students Scholarship |
2025-02-12 |
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公告 僑委會114年度「受理捐贈僑生獎助學金」即日起至114年2月27日止受理申請。 OCAC Overseas Chinese students Scholarship |
2025-02-12 |
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公告 113學年度第4次增能培力研習活動實施計畫,採實體及線上研習同時進行。The implementation plan for the 4th capacity-building training activity in the 113 academic year will be conducted simultaneously through physical and online training. |
2025-02-11 |
法治暨品德教育 |
公告 教育部函送社團法人台灣消費者保護協會「『公正轉型至永續生活』消費權益宣傳巡迴講座」The Ministry of Education has sent a letter to the Taiwan Consumers Protection Association regarding the "Fair Transition to Sustainable Living" Consumer Rights Promotion Tour. |
2025-02-07 |
公告 |
公告 113學年度第2學期僑生學業輔導調查Academic Counseling Survey for Overseas Chinese Students in the 2nd Semester of the 113th Academic Year |
2025-01-13 |
最新消息 |
公告 中華民國114年全民國防教育寒假戰鬥營活動報名資訊Registration information 2025 All-Out Defense Education Winter Combat Camp |
2025-01-03 |
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法務部與「柴語錄」合製反詐騙宣導影片The Ministry of Justice and "Chai's Quotes" Co-produced an Anti-Fraud Promotional Video. |
2025-01-02 |