學生兵役辦理須知 Instructions for students to apply for military service
國立中興大學學生兵役辦理須知Instructions for students to apply for military service | ||||
類別Category | 緩徵Deferred levy | 儘後召集Summoned later | 其他Other | |
辦理對象Target | 本校在學役男未服役之Male students in school have not served in the school
本校在學役男已服役(包括完成軍事訓練)之Male students in the school who have served (including completed military training)
本校在學役男在學期間收到徵集令The school receives a call for recruitment during the period when the male student is in school | 本校在學役男在學期間收到教育(勤務、點閱)召集令The school receives an order for education (service, reading) during the school year |
辦理時間Transact time | 依註冊須知所訂日期According to the date specified in the registration instructions | 依註冊須知所訂日期According to the date specified in the registration instructions | 隨時Anytime | 隨時Anytime |
檢附資料Attached information | 「國立中興大學學生兵役調查表」 (黏貼身分證正反面影本)National Chung Hsing University Student Military Service Questionnaire (Paste a copy of the front and back of the ID card) |
「國立中興大學學生兵役調查表」 (黏貼身分證正反面及退伍令影本)National Chung Hsing University Student Military Service Questionnaire (Paste the front and back of the ID card and a copy of the discharge order) |
辦理流程Procedure |
國立中興大學學生兵役辦理須知National Chung Hsing University Student Military Service Instructions | ||
類別Category | 役男出境Male service out of the country | |
辦理對象Target | 本校在學役男出境期間超過四個月者Those who have been on active duty for more than four months at the school | 本校在學役男出境期間在四個月內者Those who have been on the school for more than four months during the period of departure of the male student service |
辦理時間Processing time | 申請人出國前一個月One month before the applicant's departure from the country | 申請人出國前一個月One month before the applicant's departure from the country |
辦理流程Procedure |
申請期限最早出國前一個月,最晚出國前三天,一律透過役政司「役男短期出國線上申請系統」The application deadline is one month before departure at the earliest and three days before departure at the latest, through the "Online Application System for Short-term Overseas Departure for Serving Men for Serving Men in Service" |
檢附資料Attached information |
無not |
備註Notes |
申請分階段接受常備役軍事訓練 Apply for phased military Service
就讀專科以上學校男子,有意願利用暑假期間連續2年完成4個月常備兵役軍事訓練者,於期限內至內政部役政司網站「分階段常備兵役軍事訓練系統」線上提出申請。Men who are enrolled in a junior college or higher school and who are willing to use the summer vacation to complete four months of standing military service for two consecutive years should apply online at the phased standing military service military training system on the website of the Ministry of the Interior within the time limit.
- 請役男於申請前應詳閱公告說明,並瞭解就讀學校暑假起迄期間、有無實習課程。Before applying, male service applicants should read the announcement carefully and find out whether there are internship courses during the summer vacation of the school they are studying.
- 依個人需求及狀況審慎選擇一梯次軍種兵科,且僅得擇一梯次之軍種兵科申請,完成申請後不得更換梯次或軍種兵科。Carefully select a tier of military branches according to individual needs and conditions, and only choose one tier of military branches to apply, and no echelons or services can be changed after completing the application.
- 中籤役男因故欲放棄時,應攜帶身分證明文件及印章,洽戶籍地鄉(鎮、市、區)公所申請切結放棄。如已接獲分階段常備兵役軍事訓練徵集令,則須符合徵兵規則第29條附件「應徵役男延期徵集入營事故表」原因,始得檢具相關證明文件向戶籍地鄉(鎮、市、區)公所兵役單位申辦延期徵集。直轄市、縣(市)政府於核准延期徵集入營並同時廢止分階段軍事訓練入營資格。When the male who wins the contract wants to give up for any reason, he should bring his identity certificate and seal and contact the township (town, city, district) office of the place of household registration to apply for the waiver. If a military training enlistment order for phased standing military service has been received, the reason for the postponement of the conscription for male conscription in the annex to Article 29 of the conscription rules must be met, and the relevant supporting documents can be submitted to the military service unit of the township (town, city, district) office in the place of household registration for the extension of the conscription. The governments of municipalities directly under the Central Government and counties (cities) shall approve the extension of recruitment into the camp and at the same time revoke the qualifications for phased military training and camp.
- 第2年因故辦理延期徵集未入營者,所餘8週役期俟畢業(或休、退學)後,由鄉(鎮、市、區)公所依徵集順序安排入營補服。For those who have not entered the camp for some reason in the second year, the remaining 8 weeks of service will be arranged by the township (town, city, district) office to enter the camp according to the order of recruitment.
入營須知 Admission instructions
研發替代制度 R&D Substitute Service
- 114年度報名甄選作業說明簡報114 Annual Application Selection Exercise Briefing
- 114年度報名甄選作業資訊系統操作說明簡報114 Annual Registration Selection Operation Information System Operation Instruction Briefing
外交替代役制度 Diplomatic Substitute Service
應屆畢業役男接受常備兵役軍事訓練入營時程說明 Explanation of Schedule for Graduating Students to Enter Military Service
「大學校院學士班學生就學期間服役彈性修業」暨「就讀大學校院役男寒(暑)假休學服役申請」學生辦理須知 Instructions for Students Applying for Military Service Leave of Absence
時序 | 辦理時間 | 辦理須知 | 辦理單位 |
時間點1- 申請彈性修業Time point 1- Apply for flexible study |
學生於每學期開學兩週內提出服役彈性修業申請Students are required to apply for flexible study within two weeks of the start of each semester | 就學役男向學校申請「大學校院學士班學生就學期間服役彈性修業」時,均應填寫學校所訂之「學生就學期間服役彈性修業申請書」,並填寫預定何時休學服役。When applying to the school for "Flexible Study for Undergraduate Students of the University School", they should fill in the "Application Form for Flexible Study for Student Service During Study" prescribed by the school and fill in the intended time of leave of absence. | 中興大學教務處Teaching Office of Zhongxing University |
時間點2- 申請入營服役Time point 2-Apply for enlistment in the battalion |
暑假梯次:每年2月1日至28日 寒假梯次:每年9月1日至30日Summer vacation ladder: February 1 to 28 every year Winter vacation ladder: September 1 to 30 every year |
依內政部「就讀大學校院役齡男子申請休學服役作業規定」,就學役男須於指定時間內向戶籍地公所申請當年暑假梯次或翌年寒假梯次休學服役,就學役男提出申請後「在學緩徵系統」戶籍地公所將新增註記,請學校至系統檢視查閱。According to the Ministry of the Interior's "Regulations on Application for Leave of Service for Men of University Service Age", male students must apply to the office of the place of residence for the summer vacation of the current year or the winter vacation of the following year within the specified time. | 役男戶籍地公所The office of the place where the male household is registered |
時間點3- 申請預定休學證明Time point 3-Apply for a certificate of intended leave of absence |
暑假梯次:通知服役當年6月15日前 寒假梯次:通知服役當年12月31日前Summer vacation echelon: notice before June 15 of the year of service Winter vacation echelon: notify before December 31 of the year of service |
兵科抽籤作業後,將於軍種兵科抽籤通知書送達就學役男時,併同通知就學役男須於休學服役之當年6月15日(暑假梯次)或12月31日(寒假梯次)以前向學校申請「預定休學證明書」,並繳交至戶籍地公所。 就學役男執「就讀大學校院役男寒(暑)假休學服役申請書」第二聯至學安室開立「預定休學證明書」After the lottery of the military department, when the notice of the lottery of the military department is delivered to the male in school service, and the male in school service is notified at the same time, he must apply for a "certificate of intended suspension" from the school before June 15 (summer vacation) or December 31 (winter vacation) of the year of suspension and service, and submit it to the office of the place of household registration. Male student service should apply for a "Certificate of Scheduled Leave of Absence from School" at the Student Security Office for the second copy of the "Application Form for Leave of Service during Winter (Summer) Vacation" for Male Enrolled in University Service |
中興大學學生安全輔導室Chung Hsing University Student Safety Counseling Room |
時間點4- 休學申請Time point 4-Application for leave of absence |
學校規定之辦理休學期限The period of suspension stipulated by the school | 就學役男應依學校規定之辦理休學期限內,檢具徵集令或其他相關證明文件(依學校實務作業),向學校申請正式休學暨不計入休學及修業年限,方為完成正式休學程序。Male students who are enrolled in school should apply to the school for formal suspension within the period of suspension stipulated by the school, and submit a solicitation order or other relevant supporting documents (according to the school's practical work) to the school and not be counted in the suspension and study period, in order to complete the formal suspension procedure. | 中興大學教務處Teaching Office of Zhongxing University |
就讀大學校院役齡男子申請休學服役作業規定 Regulations on Application for Military Service Leave of Absence for University Students of Draft Age
1. Applicable objects
Male born after January 1, 94.
(二) 9月1至30日申請翌年寒假梯次休學服役。
2. Application Period
(1) From February 1 to 28, apply for a temporary leave of absence from the summer vacation of the current year.
(2) From September 1 to 30, apply for a temporary leave of absence during the winter vacation of the following year.
3. Application Procedures
(1) The male shall fill in the application form and apply to the public office where the household registration is located during the application period.
(2) Male service men who apply for summer vacation should apply for suspension of study and service before June 10 of the year of application; Those who apply for the winter vacation ladder should apply to the Student Safety Counseling Office for a certificate of scheduled suspension, and a copy of the copy will be retained by the Selective Service Coordinator of the Student Security Office before December 25 of the year of applying for leave of absence, and complete the suspension procedures in accordance with the regulations.
(3) Male service men who apply for summer vacation should apply before June 15 of the year of application for suspension of service; Those who apply for the winter vacation ladder should submit the certificate of intended suspension and the note of voluntary termination of deferment to the public office before December 31 of the year of application for suspension of service.
四、有意申請者請詳閱作業規定。 4. Interested applicants should read the homework regulations carefully.
- 就讀大學校院役齡男子申請休學服役作業規定Regulations on the application of leave of absence for men of college service age
- 就讀大學校院役男申請休學服役作業時程Male college students apply for leave of absence from school and service
- 就讀大學校院役男寒(暑)假休學服役申請書(第一聯、第二聯)Application for Leave of Service for Male Officers Enrolled in University Semester (1st and 2nd Copy)
- 預定休學證明書Certificate of Intended Leave of Absence
- 大學校院役男自願終止緩徵註記切結書The male student of the university voluntarily terminated the deferment of recruitment
- 役男自願放棄就讀大學校院期間寒假或暑假休學服役切結書Male service men voluntarily give up their studies during the winter or summer vacation of college and college
相關表格 Forms
- 國立中興大學學生兵役調查表NCHU Student Military Service Survey Form
- 暫緩徵集用證明書Certificate of Deferred Military Recruitment
- 國立中興大學具有役男身份因公奉派或推薦出國學生名冊Roster of NCHU Students Eligible for Military Service Due to Assignment or Recommendation for Overseas Studies
相關網站 Websites
- 中華民國國防部Ministry of National Defense,R.O.C.
- 役政司/替代役訓練及管理中心Department of Conscription Administration/Substitute Service Training and Managenent Center
- 財團法人國際合作發展基金會International Cooperation and Development Fund
- 研發替代役資訊管理系統R&D Substitute Service Information Management System
- 內政部入出國及移民署網路申辦服務National Immigration Agency