依據辦法According to the method
拾獲失物如何處理?How to handle lost and found items ?
- 將拾獲失物送至學安室 → 於學安室填寫國立中興大學拾獲物品暨招領登記單存根聯 → 學安室於每學期期末為拾獲人敘獎以資鼓勵。 Deliver the found lost item to the Campus Safety Office → Fill out the National Chung Hsing University Found Items and Claim Registration Form stub at the Campus Safety Office → The Campus Safety Office will reward the finder at the end of each semester to encourage them.
遺失物品怎麼辦?What to do if you lose an item?
- 第一步:至學安室網頁「失物招領專區」瀏覽點閱「遺失物品瀏覽」察看有無相似物品。 Step 1: Visit the "Lost and Found Section" on the Campus Safety Office website and browse the "Lost Items" to see if there are any similar items.
- 第二步:請上學安室遺失物品登記版填寫「遺失物品登記」,以便協尋。 Step 2: Register your lost item by filling out the "Lost Item Registration" on the Campus Safety Office lost item registration page to facilitate the search.
在「遺失物品瀏覽」網頁發現疑似己身丟失物品如何處理?What to do if you find an item similar to your lost one on the 'Lost Items' webpage?
- 至學安室確認遺失物品 → 領取人需攜帶學生證、身份證、駕照或健保卡任一證件,以便確認身份後領回 (招領時,受理單位將影印一份影本備查)→ 經公告6個月後無人認領之物品,按〈國立中興大學遺失物處理要點〉辦理。 Go to the Campus Safety Office to confirm the lost item → The claimant must bring one of the following documents: student ID, identity card, driver's license, or health insurance card to verify identity and retrieve the item (the receiving unit will make a photocopy of the document for reference) → Items unclaimed after 6 months of being announced will be handled according to the "National Chung Hsing University Lost Item Handling Guidelines."
- 備註: Note:
- 1.若認領人非所有人本人,此認領人須持有本人及所有人之身份證件,始得辦理遺失物領回手續。 If the claimant is not the owner, the claimant must have the identity documents of both themselves and the owner to process the retrieval of the lost item.
- 2.遺失物如為貴重物品或具名之有價證券,須由所有人親自領回。 If the lost item is a valuable item or a named valuable security, it must be claimed by the owner in person.
招領及登記系統Claim and Registration System.