【112學年第2學期-課外活動組所轄場地】– 申請活動場地及開放注意事項公告/Second Semester of 112 Academic Year - Venues under the jurisdiction of the Extracurricular Activities Division – Announcement of Application Venues and Opening Precautions
3.如活動場地涉及收費須繳費,請等候本組通知後攜帶場地繳費單、課外活動申請表及活動企劃書 整份 至本校出納組(行政大樓2樓)完成繳費後將 整份 資料擲回課外活動組信箱,並確認已完成場地核准後再行公告活動內容,企劃書如發現有偽造或欺騙行為經確認屬實將依校規懲處。
For clubs/departmental associations wishing to hold activities and borrow venues under the jurisdiction of the Extracurricular Activities Division, please have the club president/departmental association president log in to the Academic Affairs Information System to complete the application process.
For large-scale events requiring continuous borrowing for 3 days or more, or for events that have been planned well in advance, please submit the venue borrowing application form and event proposal (two hard copies as attachments) to the Extracurricular Activities Division for review and reservation of the venue at least 3 months prior to the event date. Late submissions will be subject to the borrowing procedures outlined in the system.
Units failing to submit event applications at least 3 months before the event date will forfeit their venue reservation eligibility. All venue applications will be processed according to the procedures outlined by the division.
For activities held in venues not under the jurisdiction of the Extracurricular Activities Division, please confirm the availability of the venue first and then proceed with the application process through the Academic Affairs Information System.
Public Spaces and Fee-based Venues Open for Borrowing:
- Online borrowing system open for use: Due to the Southern Entrance Landscape and Yunping Building renovation project from December 24, Year 111 to May 30, Year 113, only a portion of the venues under the Extracurricular Activities Division will be open for borrowing, including:
(1) Round Hall 3F: Round Hall 302, Round Hall 303
(2) Wiseman Hall B1: South Hall, North Hall
(3) Small Auditorium
(4) Yunping Building: Lawn Square, Yunping Building F2, F6, F10 (Club classrooms), Yunping Building B1 (藏修坊,息遊坊 and public spaces), club offices. The Yunping Building will temporarily not be open for use by external parties. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Opening Period: February 1, Year 113, to July 31, Year 113
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
For venue availability and borrowing procedures, please refer to the announcements on the division's website.
Club Office Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 8:00 AM to 11:30 PM
★ Unauthorized use or occupancy of the venue without permission will be dealt with according to the division's regulations!
Application for extracurricular activities must adhere to the borrowing procedures and submit the following documents:
Extracurricular Activity Application Form (Please log in to the Academic Affairs Information System → On-campus and off-campus activity application → Activity/venue application → Club activity application status → Print)
Event proposal (Template provided as an attachment, please download and fill in accordingly)
If there are fees involved for using the venue, please wait for notification from the division and bring the venue payment slip, extracurricular activity application form, and event proposal to the cashier's office (2nd floor of the Administrative Building) for payment. After payment, return the entire set of documents to the extracurricular activities division mailbox and confirm venue approval before announcing the event details. If any falsification or deception is found in the event proposal, it will be subject to disciplinary action according to school regulations.
★ For organizing off-campus activities, the following additional documents must be submitted:
Copy of Travel Safety Insurance
Rental contract for legally rented tour buses (Available for download on the Extracurricular Activities Division webpage → Forms Download → Other Forms)
Off-campus activity disclaimer (Available for download on the Extracurricular Activities Division webpage → Forms Download → Other Forms)