【公告】113學年度【菁莪獎/體群才藝類】得獎名單 Result for the Ching-O Award / Physical Fitness and Talent Category in the 113 Academic Year
一、 113學年度菁莪獎(體群才藝類)當選名單,請點 生輔組網頁連結。恭喜當選同學!
二、 頒獎方式:由所屬學院於公開場合表揚。
甄選對象及標準/ Selection criteria
- 以具有學籍之學士班學生為對象
Candidates must be undergraduate students enrolled in bachelor's programs.
- 辦理社團活動、校級重大活動績效卓著者,參加重要體育競賽為校爭光者,或文藝創作,科技研究,音樂、戲劇等方面表現優異者
Excelling in organizing club activities or school-level major events, bringing honor to the school through participation in important sports competitions, or demonstrating outstanding performance in literary and artistic creation, scientific research, music, drama, etc.
- 上學年學業成績平均六十分,操行成績八十五分以上者。學業及操行成績,均以四捨五入方式計算至整數
Academic average of 60 and conduct score of 85 or above in the preceding academic year. Academic and conduct scores are both rounded to the nearest whole number.
- 在學期間曾獲得該獎者,以不再推薦為原則
In principle, students who have previously received the award shall not be recommended again.
申請文件/ Application Documents
- 菁莪獎體群才藝類推薦表(Word檔),請參考附檔範本
Ching-O Award - Physical Fitness and Talent Category Recommendation Form (Word file). Please refer to the attached sample.
- 歷年成績單正本(PDF檔)。如為轉學生,尚須附轉學前原就讀學校歷年成績單
Official Transcript of Academic Records (PDF file). Transfer students must also submit the official transcripts from their previous school(s).
- 其他有利甄選之文件(PDF檔),請與第2項彙整為一個PDF檔繳交
Other Supporting Documents (PDF file). Please combine these with item 2 into a single PDF file for submission.
Submission Method and Deadline: Please email the required documents to tzhsu12@nchu.edu.tw by 5:00 PM on Monday, September 30, 2024.
Important Notes:
- This is a selection process for candidates recommended by the Extracurricular Activities Division. The results will be announced on our section’s website in November. No further notifications will be given to non-selected candidates.
- The email subject line should be titled: "113 Academic Year Ching-O Award - Physical Fitness and Talent Category - [Your Name]".
We encourage all student associations to actively recommend outstanding students according to the guidelines.
For any inquiries, please contact us via email at tzhsu12@nchu.edu.tw.