【重要公告】113學年度起服務學習課程相關事宜 【Important Announcement】Matters Related to Service Learning Courses Starting from the 113th Academic Year
- 依據教育部113年3月27日臺教技通字第1132300661號函並經113年6月12日本校112學年度第3次校課程委員會會議決議,自113學年度起刪除服務學習(一)、(二)課程;其畢業條件自即日起廢止,並溯及已入學但尚未畢業之學士班學生。
Based on the letter from the Ministry of Education and the resolution of our school meeting, the Service Learning (I) and (II) courses will be removed starting from the 113th academic year. The graduation requirement for these courses is abolished effective immediately and applies retroactively to bachelor's students who have already enrolled but have not yet graduated.
- 原社團服務學習課程刻正規畫轉型至通識教育中心開設「跨域興學習」課程,相關注意事項及配套措施預計將於7月底前召開說明會。
The Student Clubs Service Learning course is currently being restructured into the " Cross-Field Project" course offered by the General Education Center. A briefing session to discuss relevant details and supporting measures is expected to be held by the end of July.
- 若有任何服務學習相關問題請至課外活動組洽詢(04-22840227#19或來信至arieschw@nchu.edu.tw)
If you have any questions related to Service Learning, please contact the Extracurricular Activities Division.(04-22840227#19 or arieschw@nchu.edu.tw)