113學年度第2學期【跨域興學習-社團社會實踐課程】修課說明會將於114年3月6日辦理!/The [Cross-Field Project - Student Club Social Practice Course] Info Session will be held on 6th March, 2025!

113學年度第2學期【跨域興學習 - 社團社會實踐課程】修課說明會

 說明會介紹: 了解如何通過「社團社會實踐課程」將社團活動與學習緊密結合,讓你的社團經驗不僅僅是興趣,更能成為實踐所學的絕佳平台。這次說明會將詳細解說各社團社會實踐課程內容、修課須知,以及如何在服務社會中提升自我。

 地點學生活動中心(雲平樓)B1 居學園


 課程清單:詳情請參閱 連結 ,提前了解各課程的精彩內容與服務對象。




Cross-Field Project - Student Club Social Practice Course Information Session

 Session Overview: Discover how to integrate club activities with learning through the "Student Club Social Practice Course," turning your club experience into more than just a hobby but a platform to apply what you've learned. This information session will provide detailed explanations of the course content, enrollment requirements, and how to enhance yourself through community service.

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Time: 17:00 Registration, 17:30 Opening Ceremony, 18:00 Dinner Service
Venue: Student Activity Center (Yunping Building) B1

Rewards: Collect three points to redeem a Subway meal! Limited quantity, available while supplies last!

Course List: For details, please refer to the [link], and get a sneak peek at the exciting course content and target audience.