112學年度第2學期社團護照及學生獎懲公告/Application of Student Association Passports & Student Merit and Penalty for the 2nd Semester of the 112th Academic Year


  • 申請對象:本學期表現優異之學生社團幹部

  • 如何申請請填寫「學生獎懲建議表」(如附件1)經校內行政指導老師簽章後,送本組收件櫃(雲平樓一樓)各系學會幹部欲申請學生獎懲,請洽所屬學系、所、學位學程辦公室,本組不予受理。

  • 收件截止日期113年5月3日(五)下午4點前

  • 獎勵標準:為求公平及統一,各社團奬勵標準如下



  • 大功以上之獎勵:須將相關提案資料先送至課外組彙整,以提交學生獎懲委員會審議。

  • 參考資料:請見附件2.學生獎懲辦法、附件3.獎懲理由別代碼。



  • 登錄對象:須為本校學生自治團體或社團成員,且具備下列條件之一者,得提出申請:

1. 辦理校內外社團活動之幹部或成員。

2. 參與營隊研習活動者,以該活動實際研習時間達十小時以上者。

3. 辦理全校性或校外服務性活動之社團幹部或活動成員。

4. 參加本校或社團舉辦之全校性各項競賽,成績優異者。

5. 參加校外各項競賽,成績達前六名、優選、佳作、入選者。

  • 接受登錄之活動日期:僅接受舉辦於113年2月1日至113年7月31日止之活動登錄,暑假社會服務隊及暑假高中生營隊請列入下學期。

  • 如何登錄:系統操作,請見附件4.社團護照登錄SOP。

  • 收件截止日期113年7月26日(五)下午4點前

  • 注意事項線上登錄後,列印出「社團護照登錄表」後,請指導老師、社團負責人、活動主辦人核章後送課外組收件櫃審查(位於雲平樓一樓

  • 更多社團護照資訊,請點 社團護照懶人包



課外活動組 敬啟


We are excited to announce the application process for Student Association Passports and Student Awards for the 2nd Semester of the 112th Academic Year.


  • What are Student Association Passports?

The Student Association Passport records all extracurricular activities undertaken during the semester (limited to providing data for registration purposes) and outstanding performances in both on-campus and off-campus activities and services. These achievements, which cannot be fully reflected on academic transcripts, showcase important skills beyond academics, thereby benefiting students in their further education or employment pursuits.

 For more details, please click Student Association Passports Package.

  • What are Student Merit and Penalty?

 For more details, please click NCHU Student Merit and Penalty Regulation.


For those interested in applying for Student Association Passports and/or Student Awards, please follow these steps:

  • Contact the Respective Club Leader: Reach out to the leader of the club. They will guide you through the application process and submit your materials on your behalf.

  • Inquire via Email: Alternatively, you can inquire about the application process by sending an email to Ms. Hsu at tzhsu12@nchu.edu.tw.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application process or the Student Association Passports and Student Merit and Penalty, please feel free to contact us via email. We are here to assist you and provide further clarification.