
社團護照懶人包/Student Association Passports Package



→為推動校園社團發展及鼓勵學生參與社團活動,並彙整學生社團活動紀錄, 建立證照制度。


登錄社團護照須為本校學生自治團體或社團成員,且具備下列條件之一者, 得提出申請:











  • What are Student Association Passports?

The Student Association Passport records all extracurricular activities undertaken during the semester (limited to providing data for registration purposes) and outstanding performances in both on-campus and off-campus activities and services. These achievements, which cannot be fully reflected on academic transcripts, showcase important skills beyond academics, thereby benefiting students in their further education or employment pursuits.


  • Who could enroll in Student Association Passports?

a person shall be a member of a student self-governing organization or association at the NCHU and shall meet one of the following criteria:

(1) Cadres or members who handle association activities on or off campus.

(2) Those who participate in the camp study for more than ten hours. 

(3) Cadres or members of associations who handle school-wide or offcampus service activities.

(4) Those who have participated in various school-wide competitions organized by NCHU or associations and obtained excellent results.

(5) Those who have participated in various competitions outside the school, and achieved the top six. 


  • How do I know my Student Association Passports Record?

Please login NCHU single sing on system-> Student Affairs Information-> Student Club-> Search for Student Association Passports


  • How do I apply for my Student Association Passports Record?

Please bring your student ID card to the Extracurricular Activities Division Office (located on the first floor of the Student Activity Center/Yu-Ping Building) to apply for the Student Association Passports Record.


For more information, please feel free to contact Extracurricular Activities Division(04-2284-0227)