

表單項目 編號 表單名稱
綜合使用 1-1 綜合申請表NCHU Student Associations【General Application】
社團經費 2-1 預算需求表NCHU Student Associations 【Estimated budget demand list】
2-2 印領清冊(講師費)NCHU Expense Inventory List
2-3 收支決算表NCHU Student Associations 【Revenue and Expenditure】 Final Account
社團成果 3-1 活動成果表NCHU Student Associations 【Activity Outcomes】 Data Sheet
3-2 活動回饋單NCHU Student Associations 【Activity Review】 Feedback Form
指導教師 4-1 教師授課簽到表NCHU Student Association 【Instructor Teaching】Sign-up form
4-2 行政老師資料表NCHU Student Association 【Administrative Instructor】 Data Sheet
4-3 技藝老師資料表NCHU Student Association 【Technical Instructor】 Data Sheet
4-4 義務老師資料表NCHU Student Association 【Voluntary Instructor】 Data Sheet
場地相關 5-1 場地借用申請單Application for Renting Venues from the Extracurricular Activities Division
5-2 活動提供酒精安全暨風險聲明書Alcohol Safety and Risk Statement for Event
5-3 理性飲酒同意書Responsible Drinking Agreement
社團獎勵 6-1 獎懲建議表NCHU Student Association 【Rewards and Punishments】 Recommendation Form
6-2 社團校外競賽獎勵申請表Student Association【Off-campus Competition Award】Application Form
社團財產 7-1 財產報損表NCHU Extracurricular Activities Division 【Property Report Damage】 form
7-2 財產標籤補發申請單NCHU 【Property Label Replacement】 Application
其他表單 8-1 校外活動注意事項切結書Affidavit on the Notes of Off-Campus Activities