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生發活動 【至7/23截止-學務處生涯發展中心 誠徵 計畫專任助理1名】 The Career Development Center is seeking to hire one full-time project assistant. 2024-06-17
生發活動 五月 【畢業啦!抽iPad 百元禮券】112學年度畢業離校手續-UCAN職場共通職能診斷問卷填答 【Happy graduation!Fill out the survey,and enter a draw for an iPad or gift voucher.】We kindly ask the graduates of 2024 to actively fill out UCAN Workplace Competency Questionnaire. Thank you 2024-05-31
生發活動 五月 【填問卷,送禮劵,抽 iPAD】 請107、109、111學年度畢業校友踴躍填寫流向問卷,謝謝。【Fill out the survey, receive a gift voucher, and enter a draw for an iPad.】We kindly ask the alumni from the graduating classes of 2019, 2021, and 2023 to actively fill out the employment survey. Thank you 2024-05-29
生發活動 六月 娜就這樣!113年中南區大專校院原住民青年領袖培育營Here it is! 2024 Central and Southern Region Indigenous Youth Leadership Training Camp for Higher Education Institutions. 2024-05-16
生發活動 【履歷健診活動】大興履歷快修站-履歷自傳模版參考 DA-SHIN Job Resume Review - Resume Template 2024-05-15
生發活動 五月 【⦿ ◉ !!!報名中!!! ◉ ⦿】職涯提升講座-職場溝通術【⦿ ◉ !!!Registration Open!!! ◉ ⦿】Career Enhancement Seminar - Workplace Communication Skills. 2024-05-07
生發活動 五月 【淨零排放循環之旅】企業參訪:財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心永續材質圖書館"Zero Emission Circular Journey" Corporate Visit: Sustainable Materials Library at the Plastics Industry Development Center Foundation. 2024-05-04
生發活動 五月 tmangu發芽茁壯!原住民族文學與植物週展【歡迎報名講座、手編花環體驗】tmangu Sprouting Vigorously! Indigenous Literature and Plant Week Exhibition 2024-05-03
生發活動 五月 【公部門實習】教育部青年發展署-113年度大專生公部門見習計畫-興大校園說明會【Public Sector Internship】Ministry of Education, Youth Development Agency - 2024 College Student Public Sector Internship Program 2024-04-29
生發活動 五月 (提供英文履歷健診) 2024年實習博覽會系列活動-【履歷健診※探索你的職涯】"Resume Health Check: Explore Your Career" 2024-04-25
生發活動 四月 【敬邀報名-提供餐盒】面試官選才解密!你不可不知的履歷撰寫與面試技巧 Resume Writing and Interview Skills You Can't Afford to Miss 2024-04-19
生發活動 【線上講座】2024航向興未來系列活動 熱烈報名中~~~【Online Lecture】2024 Sailing to the bright future~~ 2024-04-11
生發活動 四月 敬邀報名【TEDxNCHU】2024年會-Being Humans 人類是?The 2024 TEDxNCHU Annual Conference Explores “Being Humans: What is Humanity?” 2024-04-10
生發活動 【興大專屬優惠】iPAS塑膠材料應用工程師~團報價+考前衝刺課程 iPAS Plastic Materials Application Engineer ~ Group Registration Pricing + Pre-Exam Intensive Course 2024-03-29
生發活動 三月 敬邀報名【台泥企業團企業導師】跟緊國際碳趨勢,實踐地球幫手Earth Helper的永續倡議,深入學習永續減碳成為氣候行動人才!NCHU Mentorship Program Taiwan Cement International Group Co., Ltd. Stay aligned with international carbon trends, implement Earth Helper's sustainability initiatives, and delve into sustaina 2024-03-28